Your Private ANNUITY Quote Portal

Designed by an Agent with 24 Years in the Biz



Exclusively for:


...over 25 years of retirement ...

INCOME click coins for insurers


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A1.  EARNINGS and Budget

A2.  EARNINGS Definitions

A3.  EARNINGS Emotional Considerations

EXTRA:  The $$$ Costs of No, Not Yet, Maybe

A1. Consider Using Your EARNINGS Annuities Instead to Meet Your Budget

Withdrawals Above 10% will spell the end of safe high fixed rate investing. Why?  Click Here  

GREEN means your budget is covered, RED not so much

This only means that you will have to reduce expenses, augment means, start income later, amongst other things. 

Notice in the WITHDRAW RATE ROW  that once the 10% threshold is crossed, you are now withdrawing more than the institution annually allows. This is the challenge with aging in an inflationary world; eventually your liquidity needs exceed the liquidity parameters of any institution offering high fixed rates.

As a consequence, you will typically seek shorter term investments in these years, offering lower yields, but providing more liquidity, all the while expediting the diminishment of funds.

To IGNORE this concept is to participate in the "BOILED FROG" scenario....Don't Do It!


(the 6 income coins below)

A3. Defining How Each of These


Kinda Like a CD, But Different

Similarites between a FIXED RATE annuity (also known as a MYGA - Multi Year Guaranteed Annuity) and a Bank CD are that they both offer a fixed rate of return for a specific period of time.

The Bank CD guarantees your interest and principal is safe ultimately by the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation). 

The Insurer guarantees the same ultimately by the claims paying ability of the insurer (always check your insurers ratings).

The query on "which institution is safer" is at least as old as I have been in the business (23 years at this point). Both institution types are significantly different business models, of course. 

Banks primarily are identified as lenders for mortgages, credit cards, small business loans. 

Insurers generally are identified as Risk Guarantors for a plethora of human uncertainties. 

Both have specifc regulatory guidelines they must follow in order to safeguard the financial interests of the American consumer. 

LIQUIDITY: Generally speaking (check with respective product and carrier), most FIXED RATE annuities will allow 10% liquidity annually. Generally speaking (not everytime, but most of the time), Insurers offering fixed rate annuities also provide an "escape hatch" if you need to cancel the contract for medical confinement circumstances (30-60-90 days proof required) or if death occurs.

All FIXED RATE Annuity contracts do not require the declaration of interest earnings IF there are no withdrawals in the respective year. This can be construed, for some savers, as a significant advantage over a bank CD.


Principal Guarantees Along with Market Participation

 The INDEX ANNUITY is a means of growing wealth over time through the application of "index interest credits" provided by the insurer. Indexed interest is a way for the insurer to capitalize on your behalf through positive movements in the stock market while simultaneously contractually guaranteeing there can be no loss to the existing principal balances of your most recent certificate year. 

This incredible promise seems hard to believe, but it is actually true. 

Each index annuity tends to have particular features that make them distinct.

Index annuities, despite their promise, do suffer, in this authors opinion, from two "industry - to - consumer" maladies. 

1) They can be confusing to decipher, if not properly conveyed by the agent 

2) They can be "oversold " by agents who do not fully understand them and who may not be considering their clients actual needs as much as their own potential compensation to sell these products.

Despite the foregoing, index annuities have performed significantly above fixed rate vehicles - at various times in the (prolonged) bull market periods between 2009 and 2021 - when fixed interest rates have been persistently bad.

Myself, as a cautious and thoughtful provider of all annuity types (except variable annuities), it is my preference to suggest an index annuity PARTICULARLY when one, or more, of the following conditions exist:

1) Liquidity needs are still important ( versus a pension only product). You still want to be able to "some day cash in" the balance of your remaining funds, possibly.

2)  There are features and benefits that are of particular interest ( a long term care rider, a death benefit enhancement, an Income enhancement based on future performance, a "walk-away" clause to redeem all funds at certain time...etc)

3. And lastly, If in one or more years there happens to occur zero growth (this is possible, of course, in lean, or flat years in the economy), this will NOT RESULT in a detriment to the lifestyle of the annuity owner.

Index Annuity Plans can have a variety of attractive features for consumers; but it would be my desire to ensure that some of the above conditions exist first.


One more caveat on Index Annuity Illustrations; they can portray MASSIVE YIELDS - and this is actually permitted LEGALLY through the NAIC, (National Association of Inusrance Commissioners).

But these sizable yields must be understood in context and will be individually explained if interested. 

Generally speaking, the values you see reflected on index illustrations references what the account WOULD EARN IF the market were to perform historically - (perform exactly as it has in the past) based on the CURRENT PRICING from the insurer. 

Keep in mind - all institutions can adjust pricing rates higher, or lower, after each crediting term expires - based on future economic conditions.

If you would a like a detailed index annuity proposal added here to your portal, I am happy to add it. Fill out the Ebook link above and I will add your quote within the next 24 hours or so. Feel free to share as much personal detail as you can so that I can find the right plan for you.

A4. Emotional Considerations Regarding EARNINGS Plans

The Plan You Choose May Be Based on a Variety of Factors

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"Cerebral Analysis" of Your Accumulation Plans

which is the best mathematical bang for your buck measured over 25 years of retirement (expenses not factored in)

"Emotional Analysis" of Your Accumulation Plans

 comfort level with 7 facets of accumulation plan (s)


GREEN means your budget is covered,

RED not so much

This means you must reduce expenses, augment means, start income later, utilize other funds, combine plans

B1.  INCOME and Budget

B2.  INCOME Definitions

B3.  INCOME Emotional Considerations

B4.  INCOME Combo Plan (sample)

EXTRA. $$$ Costs of No, Not Yet, Maybe

B1. Your Income Values and Budget

And...Where ARE You Going to Find these Cash Flow Rates ?

B2. Income Definitions

Scroll to the right if using this calculator on your cell phone

Kinda Like a Social Security Check

This is the PREFERRED income plan of the 6 mentioned here that you should obtain if you need access to your original principal. An income rider within an indexed annuity is still a growth oriented vehicle for your savings, but it does create a "line in the sand" from the insurer showing you how much that they will allow you to take, forever, until you pass. EVEN IF you withdraw more than you earn, even to the point of depleting the account, the income does not stop until you pass away. In the meantime, most carriers allow you to start and stop the income at your will, or they allow 10% annual withdrawals, OR they allow full withdrawal of remaining funds after the term has expired (usually 7 to 10 years). Check each product description to be sure of the terms.

Index annuities have a lot of bells and whistles, but they can be confusing to decipher. If this is the kind of plan that you are curious about, let me know, I will explain an illustration within your portal.

Sometimes higher than # 3, sometimes lower.

THE US Treasury rates affect pension benefits typically. When rates are higher, pension benefits may exceed index income rates; when lower, they may not.

Pension benefits are very much like Social Security benefits in that they will increase the the longer that you put off actually taking them. Just like SS is geared to go for a lifetime, same thing here. 

In THIS CASE, however, the insurer gives you a better bang for your buck IF you are willing to forego the death benefit entirely. This mean that IF you agree to forfeit any remaining unpaid balance upon your demise at ANY TIME, then the Insurer will compensate you numerically for this exchange. Do not tread lightly here; this may be a BIG decision for you.

By the Way, all pension annuities have unique tax arrangements within them when cash (non retirement funds) are used - The IRS labels the amount of each pension check that is excluded from taxation - by the nomenclature  of a percentage measurement, called the "Exclusion Ratio". 

If your exclusion ratio, for example, is 73%, this means that 73% of each payment that you receive  is exccluded from taxation, meaning only 27% of each pension check must be declared to the IRS. Considering that interest earnings are 100% taxable in typical CD's for example, regardless of whether the interest is used or unused, you may see the benefit of living off of a pension annuity  as potnetially superior over a fixed rate of interest such as in a CD, for example.

Once again, there is still no death benefit in this Pension Plan; as a consequence, the insurer is paying an enhanced value on your benefit for this voluntary trade-off your are making.

Go Long ..

This Pension Annuity Can really do wonders for those of you who have good genes (as in the potential for longevity, that is). You WILL start lower in the early years of a plan like this with INFLATION built into it annually. BUT - if inflation is a concern AND so is living too long, this might be an attractive option. Once again, no death benefit here either.

Think of the KIds !

So Let's return to the concept of being able to pass on funds to heirs IN CASE we pass away prior to receiving all the unpaid balance of our annuity. Obviously, a death benefit is a consideration for many, and by bringing it back, we get that peace of mind back too. 

More Inflated Payments

Once again, in an age of palpable inflation, it is worth measuring the utility of getting an inflated paycheck, versus a level one. The challenge will be, however, can you afford to "go lean" in the early years UNTIL the inflated payment EXCEEDS what the level one could have paid you up until the time they both "equalized". .

Only you know the answer to this emotional / circumstantial question. BUT, keep in mind, a WISE annuity strategy is to mix and match your pension plans to maximize return, death benefits, tax benefits and liquidity.

Some Cake, Some Allowance

The Reason Why I Say This 

The Insurance Industry Prices Their Income - Annuity products (usually) for a lifetime, which is fine. But they measure a lifetime, usually, up to the age of 120. 

Now, I am sure you may be one of those centenarians out there  BUT if you think about the odds realistically, there are not that many of you (us) that will put the industry to the test (sadly). Ask me to run your numbers for shorter than a life term and be ready to have a "backstop" just in case you DO EXCEED the term certain that we arrange for you. 

In the meantime, these term certain plans are paid out even after you have died  (if you die during the term). IN adition, by shortening from a LIFE annuity to a TERM CERTAIN one, we can give you bigger payments. Check it out! 

Re-Do My Budget Please

B3. Emotional Considerations Regarding Income Plans

The Plan You Choose May Not Always Be the One that Looks the Most "Numerically Profitable"

"Cerebral Analysis"

determining the best mathematical bang for your buck over 25 years of retirement (no expenses)

"Emotional Analysis"

determining your comfort level with 5 facets

B4. Example of Jonny Sample Using a Combo Plan of Various Income Annuities

Withdrawing CERTAIN income from an UNCERTAIN portfolio is a problem WAITING to happen


Three (3) Mathematical Costs of Saying "NO, Not Yet, and Maybe "

Your Mathematical Risks in DELAYING the Income Annuity Decision; Otherwise it's Just Sales-Speak, right?

(1) Risk of Losing Future Income Security

(2) Risk of MISSING OUT on the Industry's Unique Benefit of  "Mortality Credits"

Insurers Offer One-of-a-Kind Possibilities to Obtain Above - Average Income Benefits Via "Risk-Sharing" (see definition at right)

Sharing the "Risk of Running Out of Income" via an Insurer Makes All the Difference for an Enjoyable Retirement !

Additional Examples of Risk Sharing from the Insurance Industry

(click below)


This is EXACTLY THE SAME as using cash to pay medical expenses when you COULD own insurance to cover these costs

(3) Less Premium Will be

Going into your Annuity

(If you are paying expenses with cash now)

Need a Break from Studying Financial Matters ? (I Don't Blame You)

Well - YOU MADE IT ! And..You are surely SMARTER about YOUR annuity benefits than the average annuity shopper at this point.

Good Studying!  For a .pdf of your quote, click here. For a more specifically tailored strategy proposal (Quote #2), click here

Or you can call or text me at 949 500 5478 (always a good idea to text me first)

Or here is my email:


The Safe Money Singer

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