Your Private ANNUITY Quote Portal

Designed by an Agent with 24 Years in the Biz

1.    The Complexity of Some Annuity Designs are Often Better

        Explained by Illustrations. Pictures are worth 1,000 words.

          And Sometimes that's easier than sorting through multiple emails

          for the illustration being discussed.

2.    As You request amendments to your annuity quotes, your

       portal can be updated accordingly.  What if you wish to change

        the premium amount? Or if you want to see comparisons of different

        crediting strategies? There are actually a million ways (literally) that

        an annuity conversation can turn on.

3.  If you are not ready to purchase the annuity, but still want

      to keep the discussion open for a later time, you may

      prefer to keep your quote portal accessible.  Some people

       want their annuity "yesterday"; others need to wait for a period of

       time for various reasons. Just communicate your wishes to me and

       the standard "3 week self destruct window" will not apply!

4 . What if you forget some of the terms of your annuity contract

      after you have purchased it? Wouldn't it be convenient to have

      instant access to a portal from which you learned about your

      policy in the first place?  24-7 / instant access to the "what,

      the why and the how" of the annuity policy that you purchased

      in the past. What's not to like about that!?

5.   Is My Information Secure ? 

       Password Protection can be applied to your portal, yes. In the meantime, the

       strategies and illustrations for you will be nameless and have no direct

       connection to your identity. On the other hand, if you decide that you do not

       want your PQP online any longer, it will be removed upon request as well.

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