Your Private ANNUITY Quote Portal

Designed by an Agent with 24 Years in the Biz

Wheres my Video Quote ?

Private Quote Portals are created for you based on a perceived Genuine Interest Level.

If the Safe Money Singer receives 2 simultaneous quote requests...such as:

"Send me the rate on $100K"....

and the other stating:

"My wife and I are in our mid 60's and we will be retiring within 12 months. We have $550K in our 401(k)  and $220K in our IRA's. I will be electing social security next year at age 65 in the amount of $2,200 / month and my wife will take hers in 3 years at age 66 at approximately $1,980 / month. We are curious about XYZ annuity and if we can improve our cash flow in retirement...."

The Safe Money Singer simply must invest the hours required in formatting an annuity quote for the individual(s) with the more Genuine Interest Level.

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