Your Private ANNUITY Quote Portal

Designed by an Agent with 24 Years in the Biz

How An


Can Complement Your Retirement! 

Your Private Online Quote Portal

Is Right Around the Corner !

Serious Annuity Shoppers Simply

Pick Their Protection !

Set up My Portal !


Fixed Interest Rates


Market Growth Rates


Yields for Lifetime Income

Set up My Portal !

Get Your Annuity Before the Next :

Government Default, Cyber-Attack, Insurrection, Financial Meltdown, Forest Fire, Drought, Terrorist Attack


(insert favorite calamity here)

Ok....I am being dramatic here...

and by all appearances, possibly quite cheeky...

But really, am I?

Let's face it, there is plenty of "dark" news beaming out from our digital devices every minute of a full day.

Sometimes, it may literally feel that society is collectively

on a precipice of sorts. It is certainly hard to predict the future, let alone the next 24 hours.

How might an ANNUITY

 figure in circumstances such as these?

Designed to Mitigate uncertainty

Designed to Predict future cash flows

Designed to Withstand market turmoil

Designed to Offer Written Guarantees

Designed by Old and Established Financial Institutions 

Designed to be Regulated through Cash Reserves

Designed to Defer Tax Obligations while in Contract

Sounds like a pretty good design! 

After all, If you can :

Mitigate, Predict, Withstand, Guarantee,

Establish, Regulate, Defer...

Aren't those just plain healthy verbs to OWN in 2021!?

Now you may have received an annuity quote in the past... But if you have never opened up your very own:

Private Quote Portal


the Safe Money Singer....

Well, then you probably never received a

GOOD annuity quote.

No wonder you are reading these words !

Annuities may be just plain confusing

to you at this point.

Our Services are free. Zero pressure. 
100% authentic, transparent, and super - duper thorough.

Just as you can try on a pair of pants at Macy's... can try on an annuity through the

Safe Money Singer....

We'll give you lots of different sizes

till you find the right pair!

And sometimes the right pair may not even be available; we understand that also.

It's also a lot of work on our part to set up your

Private Quote Portal.

What do we ask in exchange for your interest?




- OR -


That's It !


Not asking too much, right ?

I didn't think so either!


Try on some NEW PANTS !

And set up your

Private Quote Portal


(And do it BEFORE all those nasty things

in the headline above come to pass...!)

James is the Original Safe Money Singer!

Who is the Safe Money Singer?

James Alden is an experienced Annuity Advisor, and the original Safe Money Singer. Every English word you see on the Safe Money Singer website came out of the his head— it's all his fault!

Since 1999, James has been providing thorough annuity education and offering safe money annuity contracts for clients. He believes annuities can "stand on their own feet" with their contractual guarantees and unique qualities when compared to other financial instruments. 

James is also uncomfortable with much of the industry's historical
nonsensical sales practices.

Instead, he offers a refreshing alternative for prospective annuity buyers by providing transparent, informative, and often entertaining personalized annuity video illustrations. 

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